How to Makeover a Room Using Plants

There are a lot of easy ways to update a room, but one of our favorites is investing in plants. Adding greenery will not only refresh the space visually but can also create a more calming environment. Some plants even purify your indoor air! So keep reading for our top tips on redoing a room using just plants.


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Mix it up.

Tall plants, hanging plants, succulents, flowers…having a combination of various types of plants in your home can add tons of character. Think outside the box from your mom’s usual houseplants (no offense, mom!). Garland, cacti, and dried eucalyptus are all trending and add a pop of green to your space without the commitment of a typical houseplant.


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Access to light.

Different plants require different amounts of natural light. Make sure you’re investing in plants that can grow in your home’s environment. Not a lot of light? Try snake plants, philodendrons and dracaena. Also keep this in mind when determining where to place your plants. If your room gets lots of natural light but your plant is next to a couch that keeps it in the shade, it won’t thrive.


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It’s ok to fake it.

There’s no shame in using fake plants! Just try to invest in some high-quality ones that look real, even up close. And make sure to dust your plants regularly. Nothing gives away a fake plant like a layer of dust on the leaves!


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More is more!

Plants are one decor item that never get old. Creating an indoor plant oasis is great for filling empty spaces, reducing stress and improving air quality. So add a bunch and see how they transform your room!

Let the home style tips come to you.